Salvadoran Church Clergy
Walking Among the Blessed
Following the ELCA model of mission accompaniment for many years in El Salvador has involved making frequent trips there to check on our various ministries. I often pinch myself, blink a few times in a double take, or stop “dead” in my tracks. Am I dreaming, or did I just experience an example from a Bible story here in El Salvador? It often seems as though I’ve been transported via.....
A Wide Range of Vocations
Jose David Aguierre Fuentes (As told by his mother, Transito, and friend, Blanca) Esta historia se escribe en Español = This story is also written in Spanish. Click here. Editor’s Note: I watched David working his fingers feverishly at his sewing machine several years ago when we were meeting in his Metalillito community for a Rotary sanitation proposal. He and his team of workers were lined up at their sewing.....
A Wide Range Of Vocations - in Spanish
JOSÉ DAVID AGUIRRE FUENTES (Contado por su madre, Tránsito, y una amiga rotaria, Blanca) Translation by Professor Tony Bianchi Nota del editor: Observé a David trabajar febrilmente con los dedos en su máquina de coser hace varios años cuando nos reuníamos en su comunidad Metalillito por una propuesta rotaria de saneamiento. Él y su equipo de trabajadores estaban alineados en sus máquinas de coser trabajando en uniformes escolares afuera bajo.....
A Wide Range of Vocations - the upcoming March 1st story.
In this rural community, one man wears several "hats" including community organizer/spokesperson.
Advent Message for the Poor
ADVENT MESSAGE FOR THE POOR (English google translation of Wuilver Carrillos’ Spanish message) Shared by Caroline Sheaffer Esta historia se escribe en Español = This story is also written in Spanish. Click here. I want to share with you a few words about this season of Advent. The grace and peace of Jesus be always with us! Every year we receive the gift of grace time called ADVENT, a time.....
Advent Message for the Poor - in Spanish
ADVENT MESSAGE FOR THE POOR – Espanol quiero compartir con ustedes unas pequeñas palabras con motivos a este tiempo de Adviento ¡La gracia y la Paz de Jesús estén siempre con nosotros! Cada año recibimos el don del tiempo de gracia que se llama ADVIENTO tiempo que nos ayuda a preparar nuestros corazones y nuestro espíritu de una manera muy especial y así recibir con gozo al niño Jesús encarnado.....
Advent Message to the Poor - the December 1st upcoming story
A rural pastor preaches a message of Advent to his church. Its message applies to us also.
F. Chavez
FLOR MARINA ESCOBAR CHAVEZ Esta historia se escribe en Español = This story is also written in Spanish. Click here. “Everything I do has taught me something good and bad because it provides me with a lesson.” Editor’s Note: Listening to this devoted daughter, this diligent student, and conscientious employee, I am exhausted just listening to her daily routine. Yet she makes it all sound so effortless and relaxed. The.....
F. Chavez - in Spanish
FLOR MARINA ESCOBAR CHÁVEZ Spanish translation provided by Juan Escobar “Todo lo que hago me enseña algo, tanto bueno como malo, porque me ofrece una lección”. Nota del editor. Tan solo escuchar la rutina diaria de esta hija devota, estudiante diligente y empleada responsable me hace sentir agotada. Sin embargo, Flor consigue que todo suene tan sencillo y relajado. En el poco tiempo que pasamos con ella, esta joven se.....
F. Chavez - the June 1st upcoming story
F. Chavez’s vibrant and energetic personality makes her a highly sought after and capable employee, friend, and family member.
Generations Called to Serve
Esta historia se escribe en Español = This story is also written in Spanish here WUILVER CARRILLOS “ Working in the community I’ve discovered that each person can become an agent of change and the pastor's job is to accompany those changes.” Editor’s Note: The sparkle in Wuilver’s eyes pulls one into a sincere welcome. His soft-spoken affect immediately makes the listener feel comfortable. Wuilver’s compassionate reserve exemplifies the definition.....
Generations Called to Serve - Spanish Version
translation provided by Professor Tony Bianchi Wuilver Carrillos "Trabajando en la comunidad he descubierto que cada persona puede convertirse en un agente de cambio y el trabajo del pastor es acompañar esos cambios". Nota del editor: El brillo en los ojos de Wuilver atrae a uno hacia una sincera bienvenida. Su afecto de voz suave inmediatamente hace que el oyente se sienta cómodo. La reserva compasiva de Wuilver ejemplifica la.....
Celebrations vary depending on customs within each culture. It has been interesting for me to experience and learn about many Salvadoran celebrations by attending or observing baby showers, birthday parties, baptisms, weddings, Quinceneras. All are enjoyable and taken seriously but none as seriously as their celebrations for the dead, particularly their own revered martyrs and saints. The ongoing respect they show for them is second to none. Cities, towns, villages,.....
Donal Monroy
“I discovered a theology of life during the middle of an earthquake!” Esta historia se escribe en Español = This story is also written in Spanish here Editor’s Note: The date January 13, 2001, is etched in the memory bank of anyone living in El Salvador at that time. The earthquake’s 7.6 (or 7.9) magnitude on the Richter scale caused heavy loss of life (nearly 1,000) and massive property destruction. .....
Donal Monroy - Spanish
Donal Monroy Spanish translation provided by Profesora Espanol Jeanette Fogarty << Descubrí una teología de vida en medio de un terremoto! >> Una nota del editor: La fecha, el 13 de enero de 2001, está grabada en mi banco de memoria de cualquiera que viviera en El Salvador en ese momento. La magnitud del terremoto 7.6 (o 7.9) en la escala Richter causó grandes pérdidas de vidas (casi 1,000 y.....
David & Nancy Slinde
Esta historia se escribe en Español = This story is also written in Spanish here S- serving those in need L- listening to God’s call I – initiating projects N- nurturing youth D- developing support E- empowering communities “One of our reasons for mission work was to see God through a different lens” – David Slinde “The parable of the seeds reminds us to.....
David and Nancy Slinde - Spanish Version
David y Nancy Slinde Spanish translation provided by Juan Escobar S- servir a aquellos que lo necesitan L- lograr escuchar el llamado de Dios I - iniciar proyectos N- nutrir a la juventud D- desarrollar medios de apoyo E- empoderar a las comunidades “Una de nuestras motivaciones para el trabajo de la misión era ver a Dios a través de una lente diferente.” —David Slinde “La parábola de las semillas.....
Dwayne Fernandez
Esta historia se escribe en Español = This story is also written in Spanish here. “(The Salvadoran people) invite you not only into their homes but into their lives.” Editor’s Note: Dwayne was an unexpected gift to us. We expected to interview his colleague Anna Grieg at the Soya Program in the San Ramon neighborhood of San Salvador. While waiting for her to arrive, we had the privilege of speaking.....
Translated by Profesoro Espanol Tony Bianca "(El pueblo salvadoreño) los invita no solo a sus hogares sino también a su vida" Nota del editor: Dwayne fue un regalo inesperado para nosotros. Esperábamos entrevistar a su colega Anna Grieg en el Programa Soya en el barrio de San Ramón de San Salvador. Mientras esperábamos su llegada, tuvimos el privilegio de hablar con Dwayne, quien trabaja en conjunto con ella. Este misionero.....
Worshiping With the Bishop
WORSHIPING AT LA RESURRECION LUTHERAN CHURCH, SAN SALVADOR We learn to expect the unexpected when we travel and that includes attending worship service at “the bishop’s church.” We have worshiped at this church many times both before and after its major renovations making many now refer to it as a “cathedral.” Each time is meaningful. This was an earlier worship experience and a light-hearted reflection of it. Don and I.....
Pedro Perez
Esta historia se escribe en Español = This story is also written in Spanish here. “My faith trembled . . . . .” Editor’s Note: During a recent session of our Sunday morning Bible study class, a frustrated participant commented to the effect: “Why is it that WE don’t feel or hear God calling US anymore like they did in Bible times?” As I had the privilege of hearing Pedro.....
Pedro Perez Spanish Version
PEDRO PEREZ Translation by Santiago Sanchez “Mi fe temblaba…” Nota del editor: durante una reciente sesión de nuestra clase de estudio bíblico del domingo por la mañana, un participante frustrado comentó al efecto: “¿por qué no sentimos o escuchamos nunca más la llamada de Dios cómo lo hicieron en los tiempos bíblicos? Tuve el privilegio de escuchar a Pedro compartir su historia, él siente y oye la llamada de Dios.....
What do abundant tropical flowers, red carpet, Latin religious music, pigeons, red bishop miters, and a drone have in common? If you guessed that they are all part of a Salvadoran Lutheran ordination event, you are correct! We had been begging to hear a date for the ordination of our three scholarship students, Belinda, Cristian, and Wuilver, who were due to be ordained as Lutheran pastors in El Salvador. Selfishly,.....
Miquel Angel Rivas Renderos
“When you have knowledge, you can transform people’s thinking, and when you transform their thinking, they will act. “ Esta historia se escribe en Español = This story is also written in Spanish here. Editor’s Note: While many of our storytellers were adults or older children who fought in the mountains during the civil war, Miguel was the youngest in his family and spent most of his childhood sheltered in.....
Miquel Angel Rivas Renderos - Spanish
MIGUEL ÁNGEL RIVAS RENDEROS Translation by Juan Escobar “Cuando tienes el conocimiento, puedes transformar la manera de pensar de las personas y cuando transformas su pensamiento, las personas actuarán”. Nota del editor. En tanto muchos de nuestros otros narradores eran ya adultos o muchachos de mayor edad que lucharon en las montañas durante la guerra civil, Miguel era el menor en su familia y pasó la mayor parte de su.....
Ana Grieg
“I knew I wanted to do something related to my faith, but not alone -- with a community. “ Esta historia se escribe en Español = This story is also written in Spanish here Editor’s Note: Ana is part of the Salvadoran landscape in the San Ramon neighborhood where she was a founder of the Soya Program in 1994 and continues to provide for the health and nutritional needs.....
Ana Grieg - Spanish
Spanish translation provided by Profesora Espanol Jeanette Fogarty << Sabía que quería hacer algo relacionado a mi fe, pero no sola --- con una comunidad. >> Una nota del editor: Anna es parte del paisaje salvadoreño en el vecindario de San Ramón donde fue la fundadora del Programa Soya en 1994 y continúa atendiendo por las necesidades nutritivas y de la salud de los que viven en la pobreza. Además.....
Church in El Salvador
PLANT – PRODUCE—COLLECT—SHARE Seeds that go into the ground? No. If you would think that this catchy slogan is an agricultural promo, you would be wrong. It was one of the many slogans used at our Lutheran church-wide event held in El Salvador. Clergy and lay members from Europe, North America, and South America gathered outside San Salvador in unity of Christian spirit. The actual formal banner hanging over the.....
Siegfrido “Vladimir” Hernandez Giron
Esta historia se escribe en Español = This story is also written in Spanish here “When someone listens to the youth and can offer alternatives they can be part of the solution and they can change.” Editor’s Note: For over a year we have heard about an insightful person named Vladimir with a stellar reputation for working with the youth at his church. It wasn’t until today was half over.....
Siegfrido “Vladimir” Hernandez Giron - Spanish
SIGFRIDO “VLADIMIR” HERNÁNDEZ GIRÓN Spanish translation by Juan Escobar “Cuando alguien escucha a los jóvenes y les ofrece alternativas, ellos pueden formar parte de la solución y pueden cambiar”. Nota del editor. Por más de un año, habíamos escuchado acerca de un joven perspicaz llamado Vladimir, quien tenía una reputación estelar por trabajar con los jóvenes en su iglesia. Apenas había transcurrido la mitad del día, cuando al comenzar esta.....
Idenitifiably Salvadoran Art
“There was a tragedy at every little house, and in the midst of all that confusion, I still remember a campesina woman who invited us to eat in her little hut, surrounded by water. The children were covered with mosquitoes, and she was fighting back her tears, but she drew what she could out of her poverty and even killed her hen and offered it to us on a table.....
Ana Landaverde
Ana Beatriz Landaverde Esta historia se escribe en Español = This story is also written in Spanish here. “I hope that the truth will be clear for all. Only then will we have reconciliation and harmony.” Editor’s Note: Without a bit of background on another person, Sister Silvia Maribel Arriola, one cannot appreciate Ana’s story. Ana was highly influenced by and modeled her life after Sister Silvia......
Ana Landaverde - Spanish
ANA BEATRIZ LANDAVERDE Spanish translation provided by Profesoro Espanol Tony Bianca "Espero que la verdad sea clara para todos. Solo entonces tendremos reconciliación y armonía.” Nota del editor: Sin un poco de historia sobre otra persona, Hermana Silvia Maribel Arriola, no se puede apreciar la historia de Ana. Ana fue muy influenciada y modeló su vida al modo de la hermana Silvia. Breve biografía sobre Silvia Maribel Arriola: Nacida el.....
Christian Armando Chavarria Ayala
“I feel when God gives us gifts, we need to put them to his service and not squander them.” Editor’s Note: Christian is a talented young man with a boundless, unrestricted reservoir of gifts. If he hasn’t yet discovered a talent lying dormant within himself, he will when someone needs that skill. The fact that he is so willing to delve deep within himself to develop and share those gifts.....
Joe Hastings
JOE HASTINGS Esta historia se escribe en Español = This story is also written in Spanish here. “I wanted to be involved in people’s lives and involved in an empowered laity.” Editor’s Note: Time flew by quickly as we interviewed this light-hearted yet serious Joe. Or was he interviewing us? With Joe it’s hard to tell. He is a spitfire of a personality. We were in hysterics laughing at.....
Joe Hastings - Spanish
JOE HASTINGS Translated by Profesoro Espanol Tony Bianca “Quería envolverme en la vida de las personas y participar en un laicado empoderado." Nota del editor: El tiempo pasó volando rápidamente mientras entrevistábamos a este alegre pero serio Joe.¿O él nos estaba entrevistando? Con Joe es difícil de decir. Él está lleno de energía y qué personalidad. Estábamos histéricos riéndonos de algunas de sus primeras respuestas espontáneas a nuestras preguntas, solo.....
Interior of Churches
INTERIOR OF CHURCHES The interior of some Salvadoran iglesias (churches) can be very formal with rich décor. Cathedrals may be a lavish Baroque style or include Gothic vaulting. Some have as many as nine altars and/or include side chapels off the nave for quiet meditations or separate services. Artwork within the larger churches often includes mosaics, bronze bas-reliefs, stained glass, Italian-influenced frescoes, sculptures, and murals. Classical Greek accents.....
Maria Julia Garcia
MARIA JULIA GARCIA “ I wanted to help people in El Salvador because I knew we could not avoid a civil war here. I stayed impartial politically in order to treat the sick.” Esta historia se escribe en Español = This story is also written in Spanish here. Editor’s Note: Our friend in CRISPAZ, Francisco Ugarte, recommended we interview Sister Maria, a Carmelite sister whose role is General Director.....
Maria Julia Garcia - Spanish
MARIA JULIA GARCIA Translated by Santiago Sanchez Sin publicar “Quería ayudar a la gente de El Salvador porque sabía que no podíamos evitar una guerra civil. Me mantuve políticamente imparcial para poder tratar a los enfermos” Nota del editor: Nuestro amigo en Cristianos por la Paz (CRISPAZ) Francisco Ugarte, nos recomendó entrevistar a la Hermana María, una Hermana Carmelita que ejerce de Directora General del Hospital Divina Providencia, familiarmente conocido.....
Salvador Gonzalez - Spanish
JOSÉ SALVADOR JIMENÉZ GONZÁLEZ “Me di cuenta de un trozo de la camisa de mi esposa llevaba envuelta del mismo cable que me estaba tirando a la seguridad.” [caption id="attachment_3072" align="aligncenter" width="387"] Salvador Gonzalez[/caption] Nota del editor: ¿Cómo puede un hombre comenzar a reconstruir una vida cuando lo ve repentinamente arrastrado delante de sus ojos en un camino de destrucción? Su casa, su hijo, su hijo no nacido. Todo ha.....
Salvador Gonzalez
JOSE SALVADOR JIMENEZ GONZALEZ “I noticed a piece of the shirt my wife had been wearing wrapped around that same wire that was pulling me to safety.” [caption id="attachment_3072" align="aligncenter" width="387"] Salvador Gonzalez[/caption] Esta historia se escribe en Español = This story is also written in Spanish here. Editor’s Note: How can a man begin to re-build a life when he sees it suddenly washed away in front.....
Exterior Churches
SALVADORAN CHURCHES - EXTERIOR Anyone considering a visit to El Salvador should not leave without visiting the dramatic Iglesia El Rosario (Church of the Rosary) located in Centro, San Salvador. Built in 1971, it is a contemporary style church with architecture in a league of its own. From the outside it is unimpressive, appearing like a concrete airplane hanger. But as soon as you walk in the door, it.....
David Blanchard
FATHER DAVID BLANCHARD “There is a mystique here that keeps people like myself here and keeps people like you coming back. . . . It’s hard to put your finger on it . . . There is something that rises above it all, and it is just the mystique of the people.” Editor’s Note: Carmelite priest Father David Blanchard never deviated from that initial tug of passion.....
Alma Yanira Murcia
Am I Going to Hide or Stand Up for What I Believe? [Editor’s Note: Alma’s story revolves around the San Francisco parish, a large Roman Catholic community deeply involved in serving the population of over 400,000 persons in the Mejicanos area within San Salvador. She makes many references to the numerous Salvadoran martyrs who lost their lives during and preceding the time leading up to the country’s 12-year civil.....
Christian Armando Chavarria Ayala
“I feel when God gives us gifts, we need to put them to His service and not squander them.” Editor’s Note: Christian is a talented young man with a boundless, unrestricted reservoir of gifts. If he hasn’t yet discovered a talent lying dormant within himself, he will when someone needs that skill. The fact that he is so willing to delve deep within himself to develop and share those gifts.....
Who Exactly is the MIssionary?
TOO/TOO/TOO – That was my reaction to all of it. TOO over-the-top; TOO uncomfortable; TOO embarrassing; TOO awkward; TOO self-righteous. And yet it is a printed part of our established book of worship. . . . .The Sunday morning before our group of travelers left for El Salvador, our church had a service of commissioning for us. During it the pastor asked each one of us to come forward, and.....
Sister Peggy O'Neill
“The people hold me: their light, their hope. These people have learned to live in the dark; they have developed a night vision. The light comes from within the darkness. Nothing outside is going to throw light that resolves anything. It comes from within together. It is emerging, analyzing, trying. It is really the Advent story.” Editor’s Note: This is one of a plethora of wise and poignant adages from.....
One Day in Time – A Leaf Falls
It was a dark and damp Monday morning deep in the Pocono Mountains at a retreat center in Pennsylvania. The organic decomposing vegetation filled the air with pungent smells which were overwhelmed by the always certain beauty of this place. I stood inside watching the beauty of these mountains unfold as the twenty-five plus participants began gathering for the morning session. I saw her enter the room. She was quite.....
David and Belinda Fernandez
Editor’s Note: This is a two-generation story of a father and daughter. David Fernandez, following in his father’s footsteps as a Lutheran pastor, was one of the martyred clergy during the country’s civil war. His daughter Belinda, only twelve when that horrific event happened, has come to terms with it and is following in her father’s and grandfather’s footsteps (as well as other family members) by serving in the same.....
Worshiping with Juan
A Real Life Experience told by Caroline & Don She said: After we met with Juan to "seal the deal" on the boat, took a photo album of pix of our S.S. classes holding the Stephen boxes with their offerings toward his boat, met his family, drank coconut water, saw the boat and his church, the real story began. Juan invited us to attend a worship service with him. We.....
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Saint Stephen Evangelical Lutheran Church (ELCA)
30 West Main Street, PO Box 266
New Kingstown, PA 17072
Tax deductible donations for support of this work in El Salvador may be sent to the above address.
The authors of these accounts grant permission to readers to make one copy of a story; however, please include the following statementon the copy: All materials in these stories, text and photographs, are copyrighted by Caroline J. Sheaffer and Donald J. Seiple ©2017.