Spanish Version

Published on: 03 01 24

Written by: Caroline Sheaffer

A Wide Range of Vocations

Jose David Aguierre Fuentes

(As told by his mother, Transito, and friend, Blanca)

Esta historia se escribe en Español = This story is also written in Spanish. Click here.

Editor’s Note: I watched David working his fingers feverishly at his sewing machine several years ago when we were meeting in his Metalillito community for a Rotary sanitation proposal. He and his team of workers were lined up at their sewing machines working on school uniforms outside under a roof assembling navy blue pants. I marveled at their speed and accuracy and commented, “I bet the zippers are the hardest part to do, right?” They smiled and nodded in affirmation.

We return to the area today in hopes of talking to him, but he was not here.

His mom and a former employee of his, Blanca, were happy to help provide some information regarding his life for us.

David and Pastor Emeritus Don Seiple representing a Rotary project in his community


Was David born and raised here in this community?

Yes, he was raised here in Metalillito. He is now in his late 30s. (His elderly mom thinks he is 35 or 37 years old.)

Does he have siblings?

David is the only boy among seven children – three of whom died.

What is his current life situation now as an adult?

He is married and has one daughter.

How has David made his living? Does he work in agriculture like most of the community members here?

No, David was raised in the gospel and was a pastor here at the local Church of the Prophecy. The church grew under his leadership and continues to play a prominent role within the community. He was sent to other churches also, but returned here.

Later when the last government made education a priority, they began to provide two school uniforms a year to each student in the public school system. David decided to start a small sewing machine business by obtaining a government contract to make them for two local schools – the one here near Metalillito and the one in Acajutla. Blanca was his first employee. Then he hired four additional employees. At first everything worked out fine with receiving payments on time. But later, the September payments would not arrive until January. This, of course, was unacceptable to keep a business running and pay his employees and so David gave up that government contract.






How does David make his living currently?

He does private tailoring for individuals. He knows many people both within this community and from local churches in neighboring communities. He is able to keep busy with work from his many contacts.



How would you describe David’s personality?

Even as a child David has always liked to work hard. He has a good disposition and he is willing to give time to people who approach him with questions, needs, or concerns. I am very proud he is my son. He was so very helpful in caring for his father before he died, and I have confidence he will continue to care for me until I die.

David’s mother, Transito

(Blanca adds to this )– I was his first employee when he began the sewing business and David was a good, patient teacher to me and still is. He is enthusiastic and concerned about the community as a whole.

How do you see these positive personality traits being attributes here within the Metalillito community?

David is highly regarded and respected by everyone. He was elected to the two- year term as president of our community at a young age. That required organizing the interests of the various groups and committees, representing the community for outside groups such as the international and local Rotary branches, as well as engineer who worked to provide the sanitation project, and keeping everyone’s spirits up during the long process it took.

David” as president of his community serves as spokesperson

How do you THINK David would respond to dreams for his community?

He wants to see Metalillito continue to develop

How do you THINK David would respond to dreams for his country?

He prays for peace.

David and engineer, Ricardo, plan for the community’s needs


Afflicted with Hope / is one of many outreach ministries at
Saint Stephen Evangelical Lutheran Church (ELCA)
30 West Main Street, PO Box 266
New Kingstown, PA 17072

Tax deductible donations for support of this work in El Salvador may be sent to the above address.