Salvadoran Medical Experiences
Joni's House
NEW JONI AND FRIENDS “JONI’S HOUSE” – FIRST ONE IN THE WORLD! Esta historia se escribe en Español = This story is also written in Spanish here: Here is a bit of background: Our Salvadoran friend Claudia Aguirre is one of three siblings in a close-knit Christian, supportive family. When she suffered a serious diving accident in a pool at age 11 resulting in fractured vertebrae, she immediately became.....
Joni's House - Spanish
LA NUEVA “CASA DE JONI” DE JONI Y SUS AMIGOS - !LA PRIMERA EN EL MUNDO! Translation by Juan Escobar Nota del editor. Cuando la constelación familiar incluye a un miembro con alguna discapacidad, la familia entera se ve afectada, no únicamente esa persona. La familia sobre la que escribimos hoy pasó por algunas dificultades desgarradoras y ahora aboga por otras que enfrentan esos mismos desafíos gracias a la sólida.....
Joni's House - the January 1st upcoming story
The first such house in the world to treat those special needs is located in downtown San Salvador.
Natural Health Remedies
Skeptical or credible? Imagine . . . . . no quick stop at the pharmacy for drugs on your way home from a doctor visit. In remote places of the world as well as in rural parts of underdeveloped nations where doctors are in short supply, local healers or shamans treat the area’s ailments. Techniques and treatments may seem unorthodox; however, they often prove to be effective. Anthropologists who study.....
Dr Roberto Franklin Vasquez Zelaya
Esta historia se escribe en Español = This story is also written in Spanish here "These kids give us a chance to learn.” Three of us are standing along a curb by one of the city’s clinics respectfully waiting while a mom carefully transfers her medically fragile child into a van. We are told there is no ambulance to transport the children. After they leave, we need to show our.....
Dr. Roberto Franklin Vasquez Zelaya - Spanish
Translation by Juan Escobar “Estos niños nos dan la oportunidad de aprender” Tres de nosotros estamos parados en el bordillo de la acera de una de las clínicas de la ciudad, esperando respetuosos, mientras una madre traslada con cuidado a una furgoneta a su niño médicamente delicado. Nos cuentan que no hay ambulancias para transportar a los niños. Después de que se marchan, tenemos que mostrar nuestra identificación al.....
Not Again
NOT AGAIN! NOT BOTH OF US! After last year’s fiasco with the amoebas illness, I wasn’t sure I wanted to return to El Salvador this year. I spent two thirds of that trip miserable and out of commission and required multiple trips to two doctors on two totally different medication regimens. I chalked it up to a fluke and thought this could never happen again. We were well into the.....
Oasis on the 8th floor
Surrounded by IVs and railed hospital beds on this 8th floor pediatric oncology ward of the Hospital Nacional De Ninos Benjamin Bloom (Benjamin Bloom National Children’s Hospital) in downtown San Salvador is a tiny, colorful room. Nearly camouflaged behind the nurses’ station, its shelves are not overflowing, but the books, toys, and materials are well-marked and organized. Inside this bright, cheerful room are a child-sized table and.....
Sam Hawkins
The Lord said, ‘This is where you’re going to be’ Esta historia se escribe en Español = This story is also written in Spanish here. Editor’s Note: Sam doesn’t have to tell us he is from Fort Worth, Texas. His snakeskin cowboy boots betray those roots as he strides across his office warmly greeting us with a larger-than-life Texan presence. Sam Hawkins’ trusting persona is not what.....
Sam Hawkins - Spanish
SAM HAWKINS “El Señor dijo, “Aquí es donde estarás.” Nota de la redacción: Sam no tenía que decir que es de Fort Worth, Texas. Sus botas vaqueras de piel de serpiente muestran esas raíces mientras el avanza a través de su oficina para saludarnos cordialmente con su presencia tejana y su gran personalidad. El personaje confiado de Sam no es lo que uno espera encontrar en el centro de San.....
Carlos Mendoza Menendez - Spanish
CARLOS MENDOZA MENENDEZ “Ser pobre no significa necesariamente no ser exitoso.” Nota de la redacción: Pasar tiempo con Carlos elevó y renovó mi espíritu en la humanidad. Por la situación trágica de su familia, Carlos tenía que mantener a la familia desde una edad joven. Casi 80 años después y todavía él no tiene el deseo por la riqueza material. Él prefiere trabajar con la agencia que prepare y responda.....
Carlos Mendoza Menendez
CARLOS MENDOZA MENENDEZ “Being poor doesn’t necessarily mean you will be unsuccessful.” Esta historia se escribe en Español = This story is also written in Spanish here. Editor’s Note: Spending time with Carlos uplifted and renewed my spirits in humankind! Carlos’ tragic family situation forced him to be the family breadwinner at a very young age. Nearly 80 years later he still has no desire for material wealth. He.....
A Salvadoran Medical Experience
(Amoebas – part 1) Five years ago if someone had told me I would be sitting in front of a Salvadoran doctor today waiting for a diagnosis and treatment, I would have said they were crazy; I would NEVER go to a Salvadoran doctor. But as the adage goes, “Desperate times call for desperate measures.” The cough, runny nose, and fever gave way to chronic and debilitating non-stop diarrhea. It.....
Maia Trabanino Menendez - Spanish
“Dios, tuya es y a ti te la encomiendo.” Nota del editor: esta dulce niñita nos ha robado el corazón desde antes de que pudiera andar. Nos enteramos de que la habían diagnosticado con un neuroblastoma el día de su segundo cumpleaños. Hemos rezado constantemente por su recuperación y por la fortaleza de su familia para que pudieran aguantar hasta el final. Su madre nos cuenta la historia de.....
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30 West Main Street, PO Box 266
New Kingstown, PA 17072
Tax deductible donations for support of this work in El Salvador may be sent to the above address.
The authors of these accounts grant permission to readers to make one copy of a story; however, please include the following statementon the copy: All materials in these stories, text and photographs, are copyrighted by Caroline J. Sheaffer and Donald J. Seiple ©2017.