Orlando Giron


“In 2000 I was part of the team that helped get electricity into our community.  All of a sudden when the lights went on, I teared up witnessing it.”

La historia de Orlando Girón en español


Editor’s Note:  If you are doing a double take of the year above thinking it is a misprint, let me assure you that 2000 is correct.  In fact now in 2013 we are currently helping support our friends from Indiana who are providing solar cell panels as a source for electricity in our sister community in another Salvadoran campesino community one house at a time.  Prior to this they heated transmission brake fluid to provide enough light for the children to study at night.

In February, 2007, our group visiting El Salvador combined with another one from Michigan.  We joined them in an off-road hike (yes, the trucks can’t even traverse the path) back toward the mountain to spend a few days visiting their sister campesino community.  You couldn’t have asked for more welcoming hosts than from these humble folks in Hacienito Uno.

The respected spokesperson of the community greeted us during our first night’s meal with these eloquent words which I shall never forget.  “We appreciate your sacrifice of time in coming here.  We know you are accustomed to a different standard of living, but hope that we can make you feel comfortable.  Please let us know if there is anything you require.”

It was only on a sunrise walk through the mountain with Don that this quiet man privately shared a bit of his own life.  I knew I wanted to someday return to hear and document a more complete version of this modest, yet genuine man I came to admire.

(Now five years later I begin by sharing some photos with him of our last visit to refresh our shared memories.)



Afflicted with Hope / embracingelsalvador.org is one of many outreach ministries at
Saint Stephen Evangelical Lutheran Church (ELCA)
30 West Main Street, PO Box 266
New Kingstown, PA 17072

Tax deductible donations for support of this work in El Salvador may be sent to the above address.