Published on: 09 15 18

Written by: Caroline Sheaffer

Salvadoran Children

El Salvador remains a country where the Roman Catholic Church and its legal system have one united voice – NO ABORTION – period!  No exemptions and no debate.  Birth control is not widely accepted or practiced in all areas of the country. Latin American machismo attitude often prevails and although efforts are made, women have not yet been empowered to voice their choices regarding their bodies in all areas of the country, particularly in rural areas.

Consequently, there are children everywhere.  We know of heart-wrenching stories of abandoned children in sugarcane fields, and children left at the doors of orphanages simply because their families are unable to financially provide for their support or care.  Some of these children are considered “failure to thrive” when discovered and nurtured back to health if found in time.

But virtually every child we have met in El Salvador has been lovely!  He or she has  that gorgeous skin, usually large dark smiling eyes, shiny dark hair, whose personality is playfully engaging, initiating interactions with us.  Even the shy ones come around with a bit of time.

We have thousands of photos of children and wanted to share some favorites.  Each one of these triggers memories of the surrounding events we had the privilege to be invited to or happen upon.

Many are simply carefree candid shots we take of kids some of whom we know well and have had the opportunity of watching grow up.  Others are total strangers. Tough memories surround the children receiving chemo treatments at David Bloom Hospital, or helping feed homeless children in the darkness of night in San Salvador.  But each child smiles and each family agrees to photos and receives Don’s pastoral blessing.  One photo is of a failure to thrive infant whose mom is receiving nutritional supplements for her child while learning how to provide for his needs.  One child is recognized during worship service for her recent birthday.  Others are being baptized.  One child accompanies her family on the country’s presidential election day.  Some attend a baby shower.  One is in utero!

Enjoy the beautiful Salvadoran children, click here:


Afflicted with Hope / is one of many outreach ministries at
Saint Stephen Evangelical Lutheran Church (ELCA)
30 West Main Street, PO Box 266
New Kingstown, PA 17072

Tax deductible donations for support of this work in El Salvador may be sent to the above address.